Escribe una entrada final donde reflexiones sobre los aspectos de tu curso que te ayudaron a caminar esta aventura con éxito. incluye los siguientes aspectos:
1. Clases en el salón y clases en el laboratorio
no se cumplieron todas las expectativas que tenia con respecto al uso del laboratorio.
2. Materiales: presentaciones PPP, diccionarios, teléfono, computadoras
excelente las presentaciones PPP, diccionarios, teléfono, porque con respecto al uso de la computadora la usamos poco.
3. Compañeros de clase
4. Uso del blog como cuaderno digital
Muy buena herramienta de interaccion con la web, con otros compañeros, amigos, profesores, etc.
5. ¿puedes enfrentar un texto en ingles sin miedo?
nunca tuve miedo pero ahora tengo en mi haber nuevas herramientas para la lectura de los textos.
6. ¿vas a continuar leyendo textos en ingles?
si, claro.
7. ¿que sugieres para los próximos cursos?
implementar los cursos via Web para aquellas personas que se encuentran lejos de la Universidad.
realizar el mantenimiento de la institucion en temporadas libres de actividades con alumnos, para evitar problemas de salud.
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011
Seleccione un texto y escribe 4 preguntas puntuales sobre fechas, sitios etc. (utiliza una biografía referente a algún autor de tu área de experticia)
Sebastián Francisco de Miranda Ravelo y Rodríguez de Espinoza (March 28, 1750 – July 14, 1816),
commonly known as Francisco de Miranda was a Venezuelan revolutionary. Although his own plans for the independence of the Spanish American colonies failed, he is regarded as a forerunner of Simón Bolívar, who during the Spanish American wars of independence successfully liberated a vast portion of South America. Miranda led a romantic and adventurous life. An idealist, he developed a visionary plan to liberate and unify all of Spanish America but his own military initiatives on behalf of an independent Spanish America ended in 1812. He was handed over to his enemies and four years later, in 1816, died in a Spanish prison. Within fourteen years of his death, however, most of Spanish America was independent.
Under Cajigal, Miranda participated in the 1781 Battle of Pensacola, which saw British West Florida fall into Spanish hands, and was promoted to lieutenant colonel. He participated in the Capture of The Bahamas and carried news of the island's fall to his superior Bernado de Galvez. Galvez was angry that the Bahamas expedition had gone ahead without his permission and he imprisoned Cajigal and had Miranda arrested. Miranda was later released, but this experience of Spanish officialdom may have been a factor in his subsequent conversion to the idea of independence for Spain's American colonies.[1]
He later returned to the United States in 1783, where he met, among others, George Washington, Thomas Paine, Alexander Hamilton, Henry Knox, and Thomas Jefferson, embarking from Boston for England on December 15, 1784.
¿Cuàndo nació?
He was born in March 28, 1750
¿Cuàndo murio?
In July 14, 1816
¿Quién fue Francisco de Miranda?
¿Qué plan desarrollo Miranda?
he developed a visionary plan to liberate and unify all of Spanish America but his own military initiatives on behalf of an independent Spanish America ended in 1812.
- Las definiciones
- y los marcadores de definición.
he is: el es
He was: el fue
B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.
- Marcadores de Tiempo
Within fourteen years of his death: dentro de los catorce años de su muerte
March 28, 1750, July 14, 1816, (1739–1811), 1781, around 1771, 1812, four years later, was later , December 15, 1784
- Idea general del párrafo
Trata acerca de Francisco de Miranda y la lucha por la independencia de América.
1.- Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen. Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
IPLI has the ability to assist with selection and development of educational technology at appropriate levels of sophistication ranging from simple tutorials to intelligentintranet-based simulationsincluding sound educational andtechnology design strategies as fundamental important parts of the overall solution. Efforts to select and develop educational technology may | |
be met with a bewildering number of possibilities. Common pitfalls in the process include shifting too much focus to technology, over-sophistication, and neglecting important educational and audience factors resulting in less effective solutions. When more sophistication is appropriate, organizations that are technically weak may offer solutions which amount to little more than electronic "page turners," weak in effectiveness and value. IPLI makes use of a rational need-driven approach to strategize and develop educational solutions. In this approach, goals and objectives are set. The target audience and other presentation constraints are then taken into account in selection of appropriate cognitive strategies and a learning paradigm that may achieve target objectives. Where more advanced developments are desirable, IPLI has the expertise, resources, and relationships to develop cutting-edge software. We have broad yet deep skills and experience ranging from interactive multimedia and simulation to "intelligent" tutoring systems. PC-Based, CD-ROM, or internet/intranetplatforms may be used to deploy such solutions for distance learning, edutainment, gaming, and individual tutorials. |
2.- De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
R- La tecnología Educativa.
3.- Luego lea el texto
a.- ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
a.- ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
R- Abordar la tecnología Educativa basada en simulaciones, sonidos educativos y diseños tecnológicos como estrategia fundamental en la parte importante de la solución global.
b.- ¿Que palabras se repiten?
R- Educational, technology, solution, sophistication, ipli, simulation, intelligent, objectives, Learning, Develop, Tutorials.
c.- ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
R- Educational, Technology, Solution, Sophistication, Simulation, intelligent, Tutorials, Resulting, Effective, Organizations, Distance, Individual, Strategies, Important, Number, Possibilities, Process, Racional, Appropriate, Cognitive.
d.- ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
R- Educational Technology.
e.- ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
R- Tiene la capacidad de ayudar con la selección y el desarrollo de la tecnología educativa en los niveles apropiados de complejidad que van desde sencillos tutoriales inteligentes. Donde los desarrollos más avanzados tenemos IPLI en PC, CD-ROM o Internet para el aprendizaje a distancia, educación y entretenimiento, juegos y tutorías individualizadas.
martes, 30 de agosto de 2011
Tarea de la Unidad II
Tarea de la Unidad II
1-selecciona un texto en ingles relacionado con tu campo de experticia. Uno o dos párrafos.
juegos en edad escolar:
As expected, children of different ages do notplay the same way. There are several stages a child goes through as it grows. Each stage is very important for the development of the next.While not all children are equal and can not progress from one stage to the other at the same time, the following are the most common types of play grouped according to age of your child.
Baby: Your baby enjoys playing alone. Physical movements are random and not purposeful.
walking-age child: The child age toddler enjoysplaying independently with toys. In particular, likes to play with toys that include body movement.
Preschooler: The preschooler enjoys watching his peers and imitating others, and interacts only with some people actually playing. Theschool-age children begin to borrow larger and lend toys. This age group often begins with thesimulation game.
school-age child: The school-aged child enjoysgames and sports competitions, board gamesand still engages in some fantasy games. Forschool-age child, the rules are an important part of the game.
Teen: Teens enjoy games and sportscompetitions. The objective of this age group is social contact
Baby: Your baby enjoys playing alone. Physical movements are random and not purposeful.
walking-age child: The child age toddler enjoysplaying independently with toys. In particular, likes to play with toys that include body movement.
Preschooler: The preschooler enjoys watching his peers and imitating others, and interacts only with some people actually playing. Theschool-age children begin to borrow larger and lend toys. This age group often begins with thesimulation game.
school-age child: The school-aged child enjoysgames and sports competitions, board gamesand still engages in some fantasy games. Forschool-age child, the rules are an important part of the game.
Teen: Teens enjoy games and sportscompetitions. The objective of this age group is social contact
2-Escribe cuál es la idea principal del texto en español.
Los niños en edad escolar juegan según sus necesidades e intereses haciendo vida social en su espacio.
3-Selecciona tres oraciones:
a- Your baby enjoys playing alone
- Frase nominal : Your baby
- Núcleo. baby
- Pre modificadores: Your
- Post modificador: no posee
- Frase verbal: enjoys playing alone
- Núcleo: enjoys
- Tiempos verbales: presente
b.- Theschool-age children begin to borrow larger and lend toys.
- Frase nominal : Theschool-age children
- Núcleo: children
- Pre modificadores: Theschool-age
- Post modificador: no posee
- Frase verbal: begin to borrow larger and lend toys
- Núcleo: begin to
Tiempos verbales: presente
c.- Teens enjoy games and sportscompetitions
- Frase nominal : Teens
- Núcleo Teens
- Pre modificadores: no posee
- Post modificador: no posee
- Frase verbal: enjoy games and sportscompetitions
- Núcleo: enjoy
- Tiempos verbales: presente
4.- Elementos Referenciales:
* Pronombres demostrativos: This
* Conectores: and, still, only
sábado, 27 de agosto de 2011
taller unidades I y II
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Taller Unidades 1 y 2
A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes.
Mental representations
Our memory has stored mental representations of experiences. There are two basic forms of mental representations.
In this paragraph we will explain the analogous representations, also called mental imagery. The second form of representation, the symbolic representations, will be
in the next paragraph.
"Memory never gives a perfect match with reality, because mental images are not perfect."
Match with the real world
Our memory never matches the real world perfectly, because stored mental representations (from now on called mental imagery) are not perfect. Mental representations have some sensory qualities, for example: in your imagination, you can make a walk through your house. Recent studies using brain imaging have shown that during mental imagery most brain structures are active as if subjects are really experiencing or acting.
An example of the fact that mental images do not always match the real world, is the following:
When you are asked which city is farther west, San Diego, California or Reno, Nevada, the answer may not correspond with the correct answer, which you would have obtained after consulting an atlas.
This example shows that our mental map is not very detailed. However, it is not necessary to have a very detailed mental image. For example: when you are searching for the keys of your car, you do not have to know that they are in the bottom of the basket on the wooden table in the kitchen. You only have to know that they are somewhere in the kitchen. Then you will have them found within a couple of moments.
When do you use it?
You use your mental imagery when you are thinking of what has happened at a specific place, and when you look in advance. For example, when someone asks you to show him the way, you use your mental imagery to mention the name of the streets and the distances.
Further reading:
Mental imagery 1
Mental imagery 2
Mental imagery 3
Do you have more information about Mental representations? Please share it in our database.
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• Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces. Buscalas en el diccionario, escribe su significado en español.. Agrega las abreviaciones. Indicar que tipo de palabra es (contenido- funciones un párrafo masculino
During durante-preposición-es de función
Asked hacer-verbo transitivo-de contenido
farther más lejos- es un adverbio-es de contenido
2. Idea principal del texto (en español). Explique que dice el texto en sus propias palabras.
La representación mental: Nuestra memoria recuerda nuestras experiencias, en este párrafo se explican las análogias de las representaciones mentales por las que atraviesa el ser humano.
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
Palabras de contenido: are-
Palabras de Función: of-the
Verbos: use-gives
Adverbio: never-when
Adjetivo: mental-your
Artículo: the-som
Preposiciones: with-to
Conjunción: because-and
Cognados verdaderos: imagination-mental
Cognados Falsos: paragraph-example
Prefijos:no posee
Prefijos:no posee
B. Estructura de la oracion:
1. Seleccione dos oraciones de un texto relacionado con su experticia. (Incluya referencia)
a- This example shows that our mental map is not very detailed
Frase nominal: This example
Nucleo de la frase nominal: example
Pre modificadores: This
Post modificadores: no posee
Frase verbal: shows that our mental map is not very detailed
Nucleo de la frase verbal: shows
Tiempo verbal:presente
b- In this paragraph we will explain the analogous representations, also called mental imagery.
Frase nominal: In this paragraph we
Nucleo de la frase nominal: we
Pre modificadores: In this paragraph
Pre modificadores: In this paragraph
Post modificadores: no posee
Frase verbal: will explain the analogous representations, also called mental imagery.
Nucleo de la frase verbal: will explain
Tiempo verbal: futuro
2. señales algunos referenctes presentes en su texto
Good luck! Have fun!
Keep on shining love and peace! Doris3m
viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011
ejercicio unidad I
1.- selecciona un texto en ingles, relacionado con tu campo de experticia (línea de investigación)
This article is Howard Gardner's Theory About multiple intelligences of. For other Theories of multiple intelligences, see Intelligence .
The theory of multiple intelligences WAS Proposed by Howard Gardner in 1983 as a model ofintelligence That Into Various differentiate specific intelligence (Primarily sensory) Modalities, Rather Than Dominated by seeing it as a single general ability.
Gardner Argues That There are a wide variety of Cognitive Abilities are only very weakly Which Correlated With One Another, despite the close Correlations Between Aspects of intelligence Generally Measured by traditional intelligence (IQ) tests or psychometrics . For example, the Theory Predicts Who That a child learns to multiply is Not Necessarily Easily Generally more intelligent Than a Child Who has more Difficulty On this task. The Child Who Takes more time to master a simple multiplication) May learn to multiply best-through a different approach, 2) May excel in a field outside of mathematics, or 3) May be Even Understand and looking at the multiplication process at a Fundamentally Deeper level. Such a Deeper Understanding Fundamentally dog in what looks like result and slowness to hide Mathematical Intelligencer Can Potentially Higher Than That of a child Who Quickly memorize the multiplication table despite a less Detailed Understanding of the process of multiplication.
The theory met with mixed Has Been responses. Empirical Evidence Reveals Correlations Between Different tasks high (Rather Than the low Correlations Predicts Which Gardner's theory). Nevertheless Educationalists Many [ who? ] support the value of the Practical Approaches Suggested by the theory.
2.- lee en tu texto y subraya 5 palabras nuevas
Rather: Mas bien (Adv)
Easily: Fácilmente (Adv)
Understand: entender (Vt)
Detailed: detallado (Adj)
Despite: a pesar de (Conj)
3.- dos ejemplos de las siguientes categorías lexicales:
Ability: aptitud
Model: Modelo
Multiple: mùltiple
Specific: especìfica
About:: a eso de
Generally: de costumbre
Diferentiate: discriminar
Learn: aprender
And: y
As: aunque
Between: entre (dos cosas)
At: a
A: Art.Indef. f. s significado una, un
The: el, la
Outsade: afuera
Understanding: comprensiò
Difficulty: Dificultad
Multiple: mùltiple
Level: nivelar
Diferentiate: discriminar
That: ese, esa
4.- escribe cual es la idea principal del texto
Teoría de las inteligencias múltiples.
5.- escribe con tus propias palabras que dice el texto en español
Es un modelo de inteligencia que permite determinar una variedad de habilidades cognitivas en el niño.
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